
Why us?

Communication Technologies provide the infrastructures, the services, and the applications to the users of the Information Society around the globe: electronic commerce, real-time multimedia applications, secure banking transactions, remote medical diagnosis, exchange of music and video clips on both fixed and mobile devices, technologies for observing the earth’s surface and interior for land monitoring and oil prospecting.

Telecommunication Engineering offers challenging and fulfilling careers for engineering technologists and managers in many fields where Telecommunications are of paramount importance. A Telecommunications Engineer can cover key positions in the field of research, development, innovation and management of infrastructures of communications services working with big or small medium size companies that today represent the most dynamic part of this economic sector. Our graduates are engineers that are expert in the design of communication systems, in organizing and managing communication networks that are part of the big internet and in the defining and customizing communication services. Most of our graduates find good job opportunities in Italy and abroad thanks to their good technical preparation and to the favorable geographic location of our university which lies at the center of the area with the highest density and quality of Italian Communication Technology companies and with tight relations with most of the industrial districts around the world. Career opportunities are available not only in the traditional sector of Telecommunications (operators and manufacturers) but in many others for which the communication services are crucial (like finance, energy, production, public services, commerce, etc.). See the list of industrial partners participating at our CommTech Talks seminar series!

The study programs in the area of Communications Technology at POLIMI include:

  • the Bachelor Degree programme in Computer Engineering at Milano Leonardo campus including the specific track “Orientamento COMUNICAZIONI” for accessing the Master Degree in Telecommunication Engineering.
  • the Master of Science in TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING requiring two years of training after obtaining the Bachelor of Science Degree. The Master of Science programme includes the main program in Telecommunications Engineering and a special track in Internet Engineering MS programmes in Computer Eng. and Telecommunications Eng.